HIROMI ( English )
As you were coming through the door
the one that I was looking for-
a happy feeling flowed trough my heart.
With it´s beating, loud and hard,
it implored to you: ?Oh, please, why don´t you come here ??
And then you were really strolling near
with your hands in the pockets in your pants-
and large bands of ants
were running across my skin.
And- with a grin-
you were listening while I was playing the guitar.
I spent the next days looking at you,
asking myself: ??What more could I do ??
And when I caught your eyes- that shining blue-
I looked away- and started anew.
Your beauty and grace, your eyes and your smile,
your gestures- the way you move- and your style,
your spirit and mind, your special qualities,
your kindness; HIROMI, your whole personality
captivated my soul and my heart.
And imagine, an angel from heaven appeared as a guard
in order to protect us from any harm.
as I was holding you- on the tour through the harbour with the fire- boat.
And I can´t forget your friendly assistance for the pages of the Diary, I wrote
and your kisses as we sat on the Bus- travelling over the highways-
and the embraces and hugs all the days,

Text: Mehmet Türkkal
mehmet.cem. türkkal

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