Why you ( English )
Why you ?
Why did I meet you ?
Before ?
a street was just a street,
wind just wind,
sun just sun,
rain just rain.
Did I say I wasn´t jealous ?-
I lied.
I´m jealous of the street,
because its pavement accompanies you through the city.
I´m jealous of the wind,
because its breeze runs through your hair.
I´m jealous of the sun,
because its beams caress your skin.
I´m jealous of the rain,
because its drops cover your neck.
I´ burning with longing,
when I can´t be with you.
Before ?
a street was just a street,
wind just wind,
sun just sun,
rain just rain and
I just alone.

Text: Mehmet Türkkal
mehmet.cem. türkkal

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